HCP Terraform Operator for Kubernetes annotations and labels
This topic contains reference information about the annotations and labels the HCP Terraform and Terraform Enterprise operators use for Kubernetes.
Annotation key | Target resources | Possible values | Description |
workspace.app.terraform.io/run-new | Workspace | "true" | Set this annotation to "true" to trigger a new run. Example: kubectl annotate workspace <WORKSPACE-NAME> workspace.app.terraform.io/run-new="true" . |
workspace.app.terraform.io/run-type | Workspace | plan , apply , refresh | Specifies the run type. Changing this annotation does not start a new run. Refer to Run Modes and Options for more information. Defaults to "plan" . |
workspace.app.terraform.io/run-terraform-version | Workspace | Any valid Terraform version | Specifies the Terraform version to use. Changing this annotation does not start a new run. Only valid when the annotation workspace.app.terraform.io/run-type is set to plan . Defaults to the Workspace version. |
Label key | Target resources | Possible values | Description |
agentpool.app.terraform.io/pool-name | Pod[Agent] | Any valid AgentPool name | Associate the resource with a specific agent pool by specifying the name of the agent pool. |
agentpool.app.terraform.io/pool-id | Pod[Agent] | Any valid AgentPool ID | Associate the resource with a specific agent pool by specifying the ID of the agent pool. |